Emotional AI in Cities: Cross Cultural Lessons from UK and Japan on Designing for An Ethical Life
2020 empirical work
Funded by the UKRI-JST Joint Call on Artificial Intelligence and Society, this 3-year project began Jan 1st 2020. The goal is to answer how UK and Japanese societies may best live with technologies that sense, profile, learn and interact with people’s feelings, emotions and moods.
We are interested in all aspects of personal, social and everyday life. This includes objects, entertainment, advertising, media, health, wellbeing, work, mobility, travel, education, policing, security, and more. Fundamental to wellbeing, feeling and emotion touch upon most aspects of life.
For both Japan and the UK we ask, what are the societal implications of the emergence of these technologies, how will emotional AI be deployed in our cities, what is coming next, how do citizens feel about it, are policies appropriate, and what are the relevant ethical debates given the connections and differences between the countries?
Investigators: Prof. Vian Bakir (Bangor), Prof. Nader Ghotbi (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific), Mr. Tung Manh Ho (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific), Prof. Peter Mantello (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific/Japan PI), Prof. Andrew McStay (Bangor/UK PI), Dr. Diana Miranda (Stirling), Prof. Hiroshi Miyashita (Chuo), Dr. Lena Podoletz (Edinburgh), Dr. Hiromi Tanaka (Meiji), Dr. Lachlan Urquhart (Edinburgh), Dr. Alex Laffer (Bangor).
Final report here.
Advisory board
Dr. Andrew A. Adams, Meiji University, Deputy Director of the Centre for Business Information Ethics.
Frederike Kaltheuner, Mozilla and European AI Fund.
Jag Minhas, CEO and Founder of Sensing Feeling
Gawain Morrison, CEO and co-founder of Sensum.
Pamela Pavliscak, emotionally intelligent design expert, Change Sciences, Pratt Institute.
Other members pending.
2019 scoping workshops
Across 2019 the Emotional AI team held a series of workshops in Tokyo and London to scope out key issues of interest for this interdisciplinary work. Funded by the ESRC, we brought together UK and Japanese academics, industry, artists, NGOs and policy makers and the defence sector. This was to ask whether ethical and privacy considerations are the same in the UK and Japan, or if they emerge out of a situated social context? And, if so, what are the similarities and differences?
Full projects details here
Do please have a look at the project reports: UK and 日本語
Outputs so far / これまでの成果
2020 onwards / 2020年
McStay, A. (2023) Automating Empathy: Decoding Technologies that Gauge Intimate Life. Oxford University Press. (Full open access book)
McStay, A. (2023) The Metaverse: Andrew McStay’s Responses to Cody Turner. Philosophy & Technology.
Mantello, P., Ho, MT., Nguyen, MH. et al. (2023) Machines that feel: behavioral determinants of attitude towards affect recognition technology—upgrading technology acceptance theory with the mindsponge model. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 430.
Mantello, P., Ho, MT. (2023) Emotional AI and the future of wellbeing in the post-pandemic workplace. AI & Soc. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-023-01639-8
McStay, A. (2022) Replika in the Metaverse: the moral problem with empathy in ‘It from Bit’. AI and Ethics.
Ho MT, Mantello P, Nguyen, MH, Nguyen HK, Vuong, QH (2022) 'Mapping Gen Z opinions of non-conscious data collection: Rethinking Technological Acceptance in the age of Emotional AI, Technology in Society, Elsevier, Vol 70.
Urquhart, L., Laffer, A. and Miranda, D. (2022) Working with Affective Computing: Exploring UK Public Perceptions of AI enabled Workplace Surveillance. ETHICOMP 2022 PROCEEDINGS. PP.165-177.
Bakir, V., Ghotbi, N., Ho, T.M,. Laffer, A., Mantello, P., McStay, A., Miranda, D., Miyashita, H., Podoletz, L., Tanaka, H., Urquhart, L. (2022) ‘Emotional AI in Cities Cross-cultural Lessons from the UK and Japan on Designing for an Ethical Life’. In Carta, S. (Ed.) Machine Learning and the City: Applications in Architecture and Urban Design. Wiley.McStay, A. & Urquhart, L. (2022/In Press) In Cars (Are We Really n Cars (Are We Really Safest of All?): Interior Sensing and Emotional Opacity, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology.
Ho, MT., Mantello, P., Nguyen, HK.T. et al. (2021) Affective computing scholarship and the rise of China: a view from 25 years of bibliometric data. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 8, 282.
Mantello, P., Manh Ho, T., Minh‑Hoang, N. & Quan‑Hoang, V. (2021) Bosses without a heart: socio‑demographic and cross‑cultural determinants of attitude toward Emotional AI in the workplace. AI and Society.
Urquhart, L. & Miranda, S. (2021) Policing faces: the present and future of intelligent facial surveillance, Information & Communications Technology Law.
McStay, A. (2021) Emotional AI, ethics, and Japanese spice: contributing community, wholeness, sincerity, and heart, Philosophy & Technology.
Ghobti, N., Mantello, P. & Manh Ho, T. (2021) Attitude of College Students towards ethical uses if artificial intelligence in an international university in Japan, AI and Society. Here.
McStay, A. & Urquhart, L. (2021) In Cars (Are We Really Safest of All?): Interior Sensing and Emotional Opacity. Soc-ArxiV.
Bakir, V. & McStay, A. (2021) Emotional AI and Empathic Technologies: Implications of an Ontology of Mediated Emotion. Data Justice Conference. Cardiff University, May 2021 [Conference video paper]
McStay, A. & Rosner, G. (2021) Emotional Artificial Intelligence in Children’s Toys and Devices: Ethics, Governance and Practical Remedies, Big Data & Society.
Ghobti, N., Mantello, P. & Manh Ho, T. (2021) Attitude of College Students towards ethical uses if artificial intelligence in an international university in Japan, AI and Society. Here.
Urquhart, L. and Miranda, D. 2021. Policing Faces: The Present and Future of Intelligent Facial Surveillance. Journal of Information and Communications Technologies Law. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13600834.2021.1994220
Urquhart, L. and Craigon, P. 2021. The Moral-IT Deck: A Tool for Ethics by Design. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 8(1), pp94-126. https://doi.org/10.1080/23299460.2021.1880112
Sailaja, N. Lindley, J. Urquhart, L. McAuley, D and Forrester, I. 2021. Human Data Interaction Through Design: An Exploratory from Theory to Practice Using Design as a Vehicle. Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI 2020 (Extended Abstracts) pp 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1145/3411763.3441344 .
Urquhart, L. 2021 ‘Future Challenges for Responsible Smart Technologies’ contribution
Bakir, V. 2020. Psychological Operations in Digital Political Campaigns: Assessing Cambridge Analytica’s Psychographic Profiling and Targeting. Frontiers in Political Communication. 5(67). Paper.
Bakir, V. & A. McStay. (2020) Empathic Media, Emotional AI and the Optimization of Disinformation. In M. Boler and E. Davis (eds.) Affective Politics of Digital Media: Propaganda by Other Means. New York: Routledge. Description.
Manh Ho, T. Book Review of How emotions are made: The Secret Life of the Brain, by Lisa Barret, for Emotion, Space and Society, Elsevier Publishers.
Mantello, P. and Ponton, D. “Virality, Emotion and Public Discourse: The role of memes as prophylaxis and catharsis in an age of crisis” in Discourse and Rhetoric amid COVID 19 Pandemic:Dis/Articulating The ‘New Normal,’ special issue for Journal of Rhetoric and Communication E-Journal, Issue 47, Jan. 2021. In press.
McStay, A. (2020) Emotional AI, Soft Biometrics and the Surveillance of Emotional life: An Unusual Consensus on Privacy, Big Data & Society. Paper.
McStay, A. and Rosner, G. (2021) Emotional Artificial Intelligence in Children’s Toys and Devices: Ethics, Governance and Practical Remedies, Big Data & Society. (In Press)
Miyashita, H., EU-Japan Mutual Adequacy Decision, in Yumiko Nakanishi & Olivia Tambou (eds.), The EU-Japan Relationship, Open Access Book, 2020.
Miyashita, H. Human-centric Data Protection Laws and Policies: A Lesson from Japan, Computer Law and Security Review, October 2020. Paper.
Tanaka, H. In press/2021. “The youth’s social media use and gender.” Information and Communication Studies 2020.
Tanaka, H. Forthcoming/2021. “Gender and Media.” Kadobayashi, Takeshi, and Masuda, Norihiro, eds. Critcal Words: Media Theory. Tokyo: Film Art, Inc.
Tanaka, H. Forthcoming /scheduled 2021. “Digital Technology and Gender.” Gender Center, Meiji University, ed. Diversity and Creativity in the Twenty-first Century. Tokyo: Meiji University Press
Academic conferences
Emotional AI Team (2021) Computers, Privacy and Data Protection panel organisation on Emotional AI and Cities, Brussels, Belgium, Jan 2021 (Miyashita organiser, Urquhart chair, Podoletz panelist)
Urquhart, L. (2021) Talk on Trustworthy By Design AI. Centre for Information Governance Research Panel on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems. University of Sussex. 7 May 2021.
Miranda, D. and Urquhart, L. (2021) Talk on Expecting the Future: Emerging Narratives around Automated Facial and Emotion Recognition Technologies. 4S/ Society for Social Studies of Science Conference, Toronto, Canada. 9 October 2021
Urquhart, L. (2021) Talk on Regulating Human Centred AI. AI Summer School at Bilgi University, Istanbul. 9 Sept 2021
Urquhart, L. (2021) Invited participant to AI and the Rule of Law Workshop, Edinburgh. 12-14 December 2021.
Urquhart, L (2021) Invited participant to Public Service Media and AI: Law and Regulation Workshop. University of Edinburgh, Online. 16 November 2021.
Bakir, V. (2020) Fake news, emotions and action in pandemic times, XXXII Meeting of Philosophy & Theory of Human Sciences”, Philosophy Department, UNESP, Brazil Oct2020 (Bakir, keynote conference paper and panel discussion)
Bakir, V. & A. McStay (2020) Mediated Emotions and COVID-19, Deakin Univ, Australia, Apr 2020
Bakir, V. & A. McStay (2020) Emotional AI & disinformation, Centre for Information Governance Research Annual Conference, Sussex Univ., UK, Apr 2020 (2 conference papers & panel discussion
Emotional AI Team (2020) Emotional AI and Empathic Technologies: Rights, Children and Domestication, CPDP panel, 2020 (Jan 2020, McStay panel organiser)
McStay, A (2020) Feeling-into Everyday Life: Empathic Technologies and Ontology (Jun 2020) Russian Academy of Sciences and URAL University, Moscow (McStay conference paper)
Miyashita, H. Cultural Attitudes towards Privacy, 54th APPA meeting, 10 December 2020.
Miyashita, H. and J. Ellermann, B. Kaiser and J. Toscano (2020) Mass surveillance capitalism – the social (media) dilemma remains Unsolved, 5th EDEN Event on Data Protection in Law Enforcement. 17 December 2020.
Tanaka, H. 2020. Digital technology and gender change. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Gender Studies, online, 13 September 2020
Urquhart, L (2021) ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction Workshop on Human Data Interaction and Design, Japan/Online Apr 2021 (Urquhart organiser)
Urquhart, L (2020) Invited Legal Expert Speaker to THRIDI Project Workshop on Trust in Smart Homes, Nov 2020.
McStay, A interview (2021) Financial Times, Emotion recognition: can AI detect human feelings from a face?
McStay, A interview (2021) The Telegraph, How HR departments impose tech tyranny in the woke workplace
McStay, A. (2021) Hello Automated Empathy, Technology and Society: the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology.
McStay, A interview (2021) Globe and Mail, NuraLogix’s work on public surveillance tools raises concerns about cooperating with firms tied to Chinese government (interview input from McStay)
Bakir, V. (2020) 'Against opacity in digital political campaigns'. Enniscentrum Data & Maatschappij. Article.
Bakir, V., & McStay, A. (2020) Disinformation and emotion, PR Academy, Annual Conference, Apr 2020.
Mantello, P. “Emotional AI and Japanese society” (July, 28 2020) at JST’s FY2020 General Meeting “Program to Create an Environment for Full-Fledged Utilization of Art and Academic Knowledge in Society” (Part of Human-Information Technology Ecosystem Research and Development Area).
McStay, A., Rosner, G., Miyashita, H. and Urquhart, l. (2020) Comment on Children’s Rights In Relation To Emotional AI And The Digital Environment for UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
McStay, A (2020) Emotional AI and Ethics (Aug 2020), McStay (panel presentation): Co-speaker Ben Bland (IEEE/Sensum), Chair Pamela Pavliscak, School of Information, Pratt Institute, New York.
McStay, A. & Pavliscak, P. (2020) A Principled Approach to the Emotion Economy, SXSW, Austin, USA, March 2020 (COVID-19/postponed)
McStay, A. (2020) Empathic Technologies: Landscape, Ethics, Citizens (Jun 2020), Emotion AI Conference, New York (to US tech industry).
McStay interview (2020) CityScape podcast McStay subject of interview on the ethical implications of the deployment of Emotional AI in smart cities
McStay interview (2020): I News (2020) Clearview AI: why the controversial facial recognition technology should be a concern for the UK, according to experts
McStay interview: Novara (2020) AI Border Guards are Being Tested at the Edge of Fortress Europe, Away From Public Scrutiny
Miyashita, H. and S. Room, V. Artz, P. Breitbarth, J. Jones (2020) The Future of Data Transfers, PrivSec Global, 3 December 2020.
Urquhart, L. Open Rights Group (ORG) talk on emotion and facial recognition Oct 2020.
Urquhart, L. Just AI Lunchtime Seminar Series, hosted by Ada Lovelace / Nuffield Foundation
Urquhart interview (2020) Scottish Institute of Policing Research Annual Review talking about emotional AI UK/Japan project
Think tank/policy advice
Bakir, V., & McStay, A. (2020) Invited report: Inquiry into the Impact of Social Media on Elections & Electoral Administration, Electoral Matters Committee, Parliament of Victoria (Australia)
Bakir, V., McStay, A. and Urquhart, L. (2020) EMOTION RECOGNITION: TRENDS, SOCIAL FEELING, POLICY (Extended briefing paper here and short briefing note here) (For UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence)
McStay interview (2020) Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (2020) Snapshot Series: Facial Recognition Technology
McStay interview (2020): Big Data Value (an EU policy/industry group) (2020) Turn That Frown Upside Down – Emotional Ai And Regulation.
McStay interview and emotional AI topic for Big Data Value (an EU policy/industry group in the Hague)
McStay, A., Rosner, G., Miyashita, H. and Urquhart, L. (2020) Comment on Children’s Rights In Relation To Emotional AI And The Digital Environment for UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
Miyashita, H. Covid-19 and Data Protection in Japan, Blog droit européen, 31 July 2020.
Standards development
McStay is an IEEE P7014 member, helping to define a global standard for ethical considerations and practices in the design, creation and use of empathic technology.
Educational Materials
McStay delivered 2 lectures on Emotional AI and human rights for UN Global Campus of Human Rights MOOC (with Ed Snowden and Joe Cannataci) – Dec 2020.
Report on 2019 workshops / 2019年
Emotional AI: Japan & UK Final Report on a Conversation Between Cultures: UK and 日本語